Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Induction is Scheduled

Hello all. Today has been a wonderful day here in the Gardella household. Unlike last Tuesday when I had my emotional break down. The doctors appointment went well this morning. I spoke with the doctor about my concerns regarding my "old" placenta, and the fear I had about the baby not receiving adequate nutrients. I asked him if we could just go ahead and schedule an induction. He informed me that as long as my cervix looked well then that was a possibility. He performed another oh so painful cervical exam, I am 2-21/2 centimeters and 80% thinned out. He told me that since I was so thinned already that an induction could be scheduled. He left the room to set a time and date, and I was so relieved. So, I am being induced Tuesday August 4th at 6:30 am. Since I am so thinned out I do not have to go to the hospital the night before to have my cervix thinned. He said when I arrived they will go ahead and break my water, and start the potocin. He also said that I can have an epidural from the start if I choose, and yes I am choosing to do so. It would be great if I did not have to feel labor at all. So, this time next week I will either have Caleb already, or be really close to it. August 4th or 5th will be the birthday of my little guy. AHHH I am soo excited. Please pray that Caleb continues to grow and that he is born a healthy baby.


Brit said...

Hey sweet girl! So excited for Caleb's birthday to come and to see this beautiful baby boy! Breaking the water doesn't hurt at all. To me it was easier than a cervical exam! Just don't look at the hook because it's scarier looking than what it actually is. It just feels like pressure and you will feel a warm sensation... gross i know! hehe But it will be a happy moment because you are one step closer to meeting your little one. If I can make one suggestion about the epidural it would be to switch from side to side as much as possible if you are allowed. K's heart rate was dropping and I HAD to lay on one side and therefore my epidural wore off. It was miserable and I could have gotten another little dose of medicine to help me not feel as much pain during the pushing but the anethesiologist couldn't get there in time since I progressed so fast! The second you start to feel any pain request more! I wish I would have sooner! Also, trust your instincts. I thought that I was feeling like I needed to push and the nurse thought that there was NO way that i could have dialated that fast so she let me lay there and said she would check me when I felt like I felt like I needed to poo. Well I DID feel like I needed to poo but I was doubting my instincts because of the nurse.... Your instincts are ALWAYS right! =) Last piece of advice... trust that God is in control and that you are in great hands at your hospital. The doctors WILL take care of you and your baby so don't freak out. I found it helpful to memorize a Bible verse to repeat in my head to give me something to focus on while I was pushing. You will do great! If you have ANY questions then feel free to fb me or email me!


Brit said...

OH! one more thing! No one really told me this before but my entire body flopped like a fish and shook during labor, right after labor and even the DAY after having her! That part was miserable and scary but from what I hear.. .this can be normal with some people... if this happens to you... don't think you are dying like me! haha

Abby said...

Yay! Glad everything is okay and you're getting your wish :D

lots of love said...

i'll bet it's nice to see a light at the end of the tunnel! hope it all goes well!

Lea Liz said...

Yay!! How exciting to know when he is coming!! So happy for yall!!! Since you are already dialted and thinned out your labor probabaly won't be as slow and long as everyone thinks! I was induced and was already 3 cm dialted and 80 % thinned out and I was in labor for 5 hours and that's it! Ask for your epidural soon if you want it because I waited too long!!! You will do a great job and it will be the most amazing day and experience of your life good or bad because you are bringing your baby boy into this world!!!!!1