Today is a very exciting day for a few reasons. First of all because it is my daddy's 53rd birthday. I love my daddy very much, and I hope he is having a wonderful day, even though his favorite :) child could not be there to celebrate with him. This is his last birthday before he becomes a Paps (well at least to a human and not just Bella and Sydney). HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY.
Today is also exciting because it is exactly one month until my due date. Will Caleb arrive on time?? I dunno. Maybe a little before time?? I wish in a way. I would like to deliver at 39 weeks. However, I will be happy to allow him to stay in as long as he needs. I am curious to see how many people actually deliver on, before, or after their due date. I am going to add a survey to my blog. Let me know what your experience with delivering was please.

I delivered at 36 weeks so several weeks early, but I was induced because of a bad rash!!
I delivered one day after my due date. Went in for a non-stress test and was sent to L&D from there. A VERY exciting day :D
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