Friday, July 31, 2009
Show Us Your Life: Wedding Party

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Induction is Scheduled
Monday, July 27, 2009
Mighty Monday.....
I might have already entertained you with an extremely long post today
Therefore I might not force you to read more about me.
The only thing I might ask is that you pray that the doctor agrees with me tomorrow in thinking induction is the best solution to my old placenta problem :).
Hello from Jamaica

- Allow me to wait it out, and see when labor naturally begins (I don't really want to do this one). I am afraid with my old placenta will come problems for little Caleb. She said a lot of times with old placentas the baby will not get enough nourishment.
- The doctor will strip my membrane. I looked this up because I was not sure what it meant. Basically during my cervical exam he will run his fingers around in there to loosen my cervix and uterus up. The ultrasound tech called this the exam from hell. Sounds painful, and though it can begin the labor process it is not guaranteed and may need to be repeated. (Not sure if I want to do this either).
- Schedule induction (I'm all for this). I would love to know when labor will begin. All of my family lives out of town and we have various friends that do as well. I would love to be able to give them a day to arrive for the baby to be born.
Truthfully, I am just ready to know what decision the doctor will make tomorrow. 1 will break my heart, and worry me to death. 2 is workable, sounds painful, but the tech told me to just be really active tomorrow and the next day and that helps it to work. 3 best case scenario (unless they schedule induction for the end of next week because then what would be the point??). Until tomorrow I am going to take in the ONE PRETTY DAY of Kentucky weather, and lay at the pool. It may be my last chance this summer. Pray for me to be patient as I await the doctors decision, and pray that the best decision for Caleb's health is made.
One more note for this post (I know it is long). This weekend we celebrated our anniversary. Our original plan included zoo on Saturday, and then a romantic dinner/something else on Sunday. However, we awoke on Saturday to a down pour, and then our power went out. Therefore the zoo idea did not happen. The night before we attended a county fair, and let me tell you it was COUNTY. Anyone from Pikeville knows what the definition of County is, and it blew me away. I guess it was because I am from eastern Kentucky (which has a really bad rep for being country). However, here in Northern Kentucky they have tractor pulls, demolition derbys with lawn mowers, and they sell animals at their fair. I didn't really think tractor pulls existed unless you lived in the west. My husband then informed me that they had students at their high school who would drive their tractors to school on occassion WHAT??? This cracked me up. So needless to say my husband can never ever call my hometown country again after what I experienced on Friday. Anyway, Saturday we decided to have our romantic dinner at a Hibachi Grill, and then went and watche
d The Ugly Truth (hilarious). Sunday, we woke up for church. Our new church we found is doing a series "Questions that deserve an answer"...basically all the tough questions that Christians blow off to non Christians. (How can a good God allow suffering, How can there be only one true religion, Do Science and God coorespond etc...). Soooo interesting that we do not want to miss one Sunday, even after Caleb arrives. After church we finally went to the zoo, and we had a fabulous time. Let me tell you though if I did not walk that baby out yesterday then walking is not going to do the trick. Afterward we came back home, cooked pancakes, and just enjoyed eachothers company. Like I said before we are planning true anniversary night after the baby arrives, but it was a wonderful anniversary weekend with my wonderful hubby.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Loving the One and Only for One Full Year Today

- I love how you truly take the time to listen to me, and to take my dreams and goals into consideration. I appreciate all you do to incorporate both of our ambitions into life daily.
- I love how you fall asleep EVERY time you begin to give me a massage...even though I joke with you about it, it is an adorable quality that you possess.
- I love that you are the father of our baby boy, and I can not wait to see the love you have for him.
- I love that you are a provider, and that you work so hard to make sure that Caleb and I are taken care of.
- I love that you love dogs as much as me :).
- I love the struggles, the good times, and the lessons that we have learned this past year. We have overcome so many obstacles, learned a lot about eachother, and discovered ways to work through every situation.
- I am so thankful that you love me, it still amazes me sometimes.
- I love that you put up with me, and love me the same even when I am having a bad day, and my mood is not pleasant.
- I love that you can cook, and that you have mastered some of our favorite meals.
- I love that you are you...don't change.
- I am so grateful for our first year together, and I am looking forward to many many more.
- I love that we are so opposite, but that some how we mesh well together,
- I love that you are athletic because I am SOO not :).
- I love you forever and always

Friday, July 24, 2009
Show Us Your Wedding Dress

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Baby is Here

Favorite Things Tuesday
- Father of the Bride: This seems to be a regular favorite of all women, but I can remember watching it weekly growing up. This time last year was my wedding week, and I remember thinking about that movie and crying during the final detail preparation.
- Twilight: I became obsessed to say the least with the Twilight book series this past year. The movie is one of my favorites even though a lot of details are left out because I love to see a good book brought to life. PS I secretely want to play Bella, even more so than I want to play Hermione (I used to act, and acting has always been a passion of mine)
- Speaking of PS, PS I Love You is another favorite. It is so sweet, and I have never made it through without crying.
- All of the Harry Potters
- The Notebook: I love the passion and the history that the two characters share. I still get chills when I think of their first kiss as adults when he pulls her to him and says, "It wasn't over, IT STILL ISN'T OVER"......whoo.
I can think of many more movies that I like, but not any that I would list as favorites. Thanks again for all of the support ya'll. I must confess I am getting a grip on my emotional breakdowns, and hopefully my hormones are leveling out.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Mommy Sarah's Terrible Tuesday

Monday, July 20, 2009
Mighty Monday
- I might have finally watched Harry Potter this weekend, and I enjoyed it very much. I might be thinking it is not as good as the book, but that might just be expected.
- I might not remember a lot of the details of the book because it came out so long ago.
- I might have had a visit from my daddy this weekend, and he might have made Nick and I an amazing din
ner. Filet Mignon, baked potato, salad, roles yummy yummy yummy.
- I might be a little spoiled by my daddy, but that might just be okay.
- I might have found a new church with Nick on Sunday that we both really really like. We might have been happy that we found one we really connected with.
- I might have given my dear puppy Bella, who is in need of a hair cut, a bath today.
- This might be a picture of the finished product. She just might be the cutest dog ever.
- Caleb's bag might be ready for his arrival. I might have over packed it just a little. That might be okay though. I would rather have too much than too little.

I might have began packing a hospital bag for Nick and I.
- I might have began a project today that I may use in the nursery.
- I might be thinking I need my grammy to come in town with the finishing touches for the nursery. However, I might be okay with adding those touches after Caleb arrives.
- My belly might have dropped a little, and I might be hoping this means Caleb is coming soon.
- Caleb's bed might be ready for him.

- I might be finished with this pregnancy thing ughhh.
- I might not be able to get the pictures for this post to line up exactly how I want them. Therefore, I might be giving up :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Run Run Sydney

Thursday, July 16, 2009
How much Longer????
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I got all my sisters with me

Monday, July 13, 2009
Mighty Monday
- I might be missing my friends a little today. Last week might have spoiled me.
- I might have had a doctors appointment this morning, in which I might have found out that I am 1 centimeter dialated and 70% efaced. I might be hoping this means Caleb will come either before his due date or at least on time.
- I might have had another pool day, in which I might have decided to wear a bikini. I might have worn a speghetti strap over that bikini however, and never removed in due to the fear that I would disgust others at the pool.
- I might have spent 3 1/2 hours cleaning my house since I neglected all house work this past week.
- I might be having a little bit of shortness of breath in which my heart races. I might have asked my doctor about this, and she informed me to let her know if it ever lasts more than thirty minutes. If it does not then it is a normal symptom of pregnancy.
- I might be looking forward to "lightening" that is suppose to occur this week.
- I might be wondering if it really will happen this week or not.
- I might be really excited that my friend Taylor is having a girl. She might be having the first girl out of my group of friends. I might be thinking that Caleb and her baby can be boyfriend and girlfriend.
- I might be getting really anzy waiting for Caleb to arrive.
- I might have worked on the nursery for another hour today.
- I might have purchased all the things I believe I "must have" before baby Caleb arrives.
- I might be wondering when he is going to come.
- I might think he will arrive on August 5th because that is the next fool moon.
- The moon might just be one of my all time favorite things.
- I might LOVE the blanket my friend Amelia made for Caleb.
Shower of Friends

This past week has been an eventful one, and let me tell you I am so grateful for that. It has been so difficult to sit around and watch the clock tick with nothing to do. I need entertainment to make these last 4 weeks before Caleb to go by quickly. Wednesday Beth and Neil came in town for a visit. Initially they planned to spend the night on Wednesday and then travel back home to Indy on Thursday. However, they are such wonderful friends that they decided to stay with us until yesterday, and I was so excited. It was so nice to have friends around. Yesterday was also my second and final baby shower, and Amelia and Dan traveled in for that. The guys went golfing while us girls attended the shower, and then we all met up for lunch. 5 couples ended up coming back to our apartment, and we all stayed up until almost three am playing cards, and hanging out. It was like college again, and possibly one of the last non baby almost all nighters that I will pull. It was great to see all of my friends from my old college, and also spend time with new friends from Northern Kentucky.
We are now at 36 weeks I can not believe it. It used to seem like this day would never come. However, here we are and I am so excited to be so close to meeting my little angel. Nick and I went baby shopping today in order to get the final things I feel as though I must have before Caleb arrives. I was having a hormonal break down because I was afraid he would arrive early and we would not have what I considered "must have" items before baby. We purchased our changing pad/covers, breast pump, milk storage bags and bottles, bottom cream, and our carseat. Unfortunately, we did not receive our glider, but my grandmother is bringing her rocking chair up on her next visit, and we are going to to get some comfy cushions for it. I still have to fix up a lamp for the nursery, and add the final decorating touches when my grandmother brings them. However, I feel comfortable knowing that we have the items we will need to take care of baby Caleb if he were to arrive tomorrow. I have included pictures from my shower, and our party last night.
I am so thankful that my friends could be there to celebrate with me. I do not get to see them very often and this week/w

Look at the diaper cake. Sweet Lauren (one of the hostesses), and her sister made it for me. It was so cute. Nick and I had a hard time bringing ourselves to take it apart tonight, because it was so wonderful. I loved the binkys and socks that were used as decorations on it. As well as the adorable monkey. Our cake was also so cute. My mother in law said that she stayed up all night working on it. The little train of letters was adorable, and the circles reminded me of the nursery decorations. So cute.
I was also excited to have two of preggo friends there to celebrate with