Yesterday afternoon was suppose to be spent organizing the living room and main living area of our new apartment. However, about an hour before Nick returned home from work I began sorting through baby Caleb's clothes (as seen on side), and organizing them into piles by age. The picture shown are only his clothes up to three months. Given they all still have to be washed before they are ready to place on his precious body, but I wanted to see what all we had. This in turn resulted in Nick and I neglecting the main living area and travleing into organizing the nursery!! FINALLY.
We had planned to wait to do anything with the nursery until next week, but we are both way to excited to wait. Nick began the tedious task of putting together the crib, while I took my stab at construction and tried to put his Graco bouncer together. Did you know that the
entire instruction page is written in Spanish, except for like five words the entire page??? I was soo convinced that I could put it together myself, but I found myself stuck and in need of
a man's hand. Men can some how always figure out the picture that you have been staring at for 20 minutes and which you are sure is a mistake. Nick would smile and have the problem fixed in like 2 minutes. So, anyway I halfway did it by myself :). We also began to play with the bedding. I am still trying to figure out how to make the bumper fit just right, and tie the perfect bows for my little baby's bed. I am not crafty and bow tying has never been a talent of mine, however, I am stubborn and trying hard. I still have to wash the bedding, so for right now I am trying a bunch of different things with it to see how I like it best, and what it still needs. I am also still in search of a mobile to hang. The one that matches our bedding like like fifty dollars, and to me that is retarded. Therefore, I am trying to find a cheaper mobile that will still match my little baby's room. My grandmother is coming up next week to help me with the curtains and a little project I have planned for above the crib. Hopefully, I will recieve the glider w
e registered for at my next shower, and I am on the lookout for a cherry wood side table (preferably round). I am soo excited t
o have this little room finished.

On a funny note I thought I would mention our two baby girls. Nick and I have decided to not allow Bella and Sydney into the nursery. We are trying to help them understand that the baby has dominence over them before he arrives. Anyway, the task has been a hilarious one. Bella is actually doing surprising well considering she has never not been allowed in a room with us. However, Sydney does not like to be away from her daddy at any point in time and she is having a real problem with it. She will stand outside the door and cry, try to sneakingly crawl in (like we can't see her), jump over barriers etc. Last night they both sat/stood outside of the room watching the action. 
It was so fun/surreal to be sorting through my baby's things, and knowing that in eight short weeks he should be here in my arms. I am praying so hard that everything with him checks out okay at our ultrasound on Monday. I am so in love, and I would give my life for him to be born healthy. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and pray for my nerves. Sometimes I let the worries get the best of me. 
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