Thursday morning story time at the library started back up. I can not tell you how much we love this class. The teacher is so much fun, and Caleb and his little friends just have the best time. He gets so excited walking into the library and always runs in saying "pres!!!" (for Presley). Sweet James always joins us as well, and the kids just have so much fun.
Friday the kids and I chilled at home during the day. We did a lot of playing outside, and cleaning inside, and anticipated our fun filled night. That night we joined my mom group and their families at a local park for a free outdoor movie. They were showing Toy Story 3, and we brought blankets, snacks, and all sat and enjoyed the show. The kids had so much fun playing before, and they all did really well watching the movie.
Our neighbors little girl shared her bike and helmet with Caleb. I assure you we did not buy him a pink bike and Barbie helmet.
Saturday was a chill morning at home, and then that night we went to Nick's sisters soccer game. She stayed with us this weekend, and we had fun going to watch her play. Caleb had fun playing on the sidelines with his soccer ball, and showing everyone his boo boo that he got when he fell chasing his ball. You have to love the 2 year old boo boo stage (much better than the mine stage). After we arrived home we gave the kids their bath, and then watched in anticipation as this little girl showed off her almost crawling skills. She is still not there just yet. but she is oh so close.
Sunday we played hooky from church (the kids are still having a hard time with the nursery and sitting through the sermon). We planned to go to a water park, but it was a little to chilly so we chose to go to a park instead. We had a picnic, let Caleb play, and then us girls took a quick trip to Ikea for some frames. After Ikea, the babies and I went to watch Nick's indoor soccer game. Caleb was able to play with James while there as well.
It was a great weekend! This is a little video of my cute little "me". I could just eat him up.

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