Monday, August 22, 2011

My Go At "Teaching"

As I have stated before on this blog I have a background in Early Childhood Education.  I studied it in college, and have worked as a preschool teacher in the past.  I have always had big dreams of "teaching" my own children one day. I used to always sit in class, doodling my future children's names, and daydreaming about their awesome future "school like playroom".  I used to think that I would have an art section, dramatic play, blocks, library etc, and that each week would be filled with a new theme sure to help my child grow up to be a genius.  Yea....daydreams.

The reality is that I do not have a house large enough yet to set up my dream playroom/classroom, my mornings do not begin with circle time complete with a song, movement and story, and some days Mickey Mouse is a constant babysitter. You know that is the reality of having two young children. The truth is you do what you can to survive. However, I have been really convicted about the fact that Caleb is already 2 and that it is high time he starts learning new things, and I being his mother am the one who needs to teach him.  I mean after all he is well within the birth-3 age gap where they learn so much vital information, and even though he amazes me each day with the new things he learns, I am wanting to teach him more.

I am a firm believer in learning through free play and exploration.  Children should be allowed to manipulate, and explore activities in any way they choose. However, I also believe that they are little sponges who want to learn more, want to know proper ways to perform activities, and who love to learn new things.  So, all this to say...I am attempting my "day dream", and I am teaching weekly themes/concepts.

This week we are not really doing a theme but we are focusing on...
The Letter A
The Color Blue
The Square Shape

Caleb loves letters, and for the most part he knows the letters A, and O.  However, I really want to know that he knows the letter A by the end of the week. 
Colors....we work on all the time. Sometimes he gets lucky and points to the color blue if you ask...but he is not so great with them all the time. He can sort colors correctly, but as far as knowing them...not so much. 
Shapes: The only shape we know so far is a which my child refers to as an O.  Hey I give him the benefit of the doubt..I mean how can it be an O and a Circle. That is enough to blow a 2 year olds mind. 

I think this week I will post about our activities, and our progress in learning our 3 concepts. 

I am going to break activities down into a few different posts, so I hope you enjoy my attempt at "teaching" my child the Early Childhood Education Day Dreamer kind of way. 

1 comment:

The Rogers Family said...

I admire you for doing that! You will do great! Everyone has that perfect dream, but even the classroom teachers don't get there...keep your chin up!