We had a great time on Saturday at the zoo, and hubby and I had a wonderful date night. Sunday was just as great. We decided to put up the pool in the backyard, and play with Caleb. I love this pool. It is large enough for adults to lay in, and I am planning on taking full advantage of that this summer during nap time. The water was frigid, but Caleb had so much fun splashing around. Hubby and I had an ongoing splash game going with the ice cold water. I would like to report that I WON!! I tricked him!! I told him to hand Caleb the bucket of water, and when he turned I poured an entire bucket over his head. He could not get me back because I had Mckinlee in my arms. It was hilarious!!!
stinker :)
Monday, we had a cookout at my in laws, and we went swimming in their new above ground pool. I think we were maybe inside a total of one hour yesterday, and it was so much fun. Caleb loved running through the yard, playing on the play set (he counts when he goes up steps now....ooonnneee...twwoooo...freee....orrr..). He was not a huge fan of the pool yesterday, but he did enjoy throwing balls in the O float :).
He was so worn out! (He was also wearing a size ONE diaper and a swim diaper together. I realized we had no more with us, so we had to improvise until we went home). I can't believe the size 1 fastened.
Today, we headed to the Y with Brit/Presley and Rachel/James. The babies had fun running around, and little miss enjoyed napping in her stroller beside me. I love Caleb's timid personality. I think that God blessed him/me with that. Presley and James were so adventurous, and wanted to go to all parts of the pool. Caleb however, never wanted to leave my side, and if I sat he would sit and play, and he would not go far without me. This is such a blessing with two children. We needed to stay beside the stroller, and he was perfectly content staying with mama. I love that about him.
Just for comparison...Presley and Caleb last summer
Presley and Caleb this summer. They grew up to fast :(