Caleb here is what you are doing at 8 months
Sleeping: You still sleep through the night. You generally go down in your crib around 9:00 (was 8 before the time change). You may have a couple of sleeping cries, and all I have to do is replace the binky. You sleep until around 8 am in the morning, then you eat, and go back to sleep for about an hour. Mama always cuddles you during this morning nap. You then always go down for a nap at 12, and sleep until around 2. If you do not get this nap you are a grouchy boy. You generally will take one more hour nap around 3:30. You no longer sleep on your back, but you now sleep on your side or belly, and you move all over your bed. You like to have a toy in your bed to play with while you are trying to go to sleep. Sometimes when I walk in you are cuddling your teether. So cute. You still have to have a binky to sleep.
Eating: You love to eat solids now, and you usually eat every 3 1/2-4 hours. You have a morning 7 ounce bottle when you first wake up. Your next feeding you get a fruit mixed with cereal, a 3 ounce bottle, and either yogurt melts, puffs, or banana to snack on. Your next feeding you get a veggie mixed with cereal, a 3 ounce bottle, and a snack as well. If I cook veggies for dinner I always make you a plate. You do not really seem to like baked potatos, which is funny to me. However, you love corn, green beans, spinach, and bread.
Size: You are wearing 6-9, 9 month, and 6-12 month clothes. I am excited because it is almost summer time, and little rompers look so cute on you. You are wearing size 4 diapers. Still Pampers 13 hours. You weigh 20 lbs 10 ounces!! You are so big, and chunky and I love it.
Exciting New Things:
- You went to Florida for the second time this past month, and you loved playing in the sand. You were not a fan of the ocean, but I think you are going to be a beach bum just like mama.
- You are so close to crawling. You roll all over the place, and you butt scoot as well. You right leg always gets stuck under you, but I am convinced as soon as you can get it out that you will start crawling.
- You always dance with your head now and say "I gooooooood".
- You love your sippy now, and will drink out of it with ease.
- You LOVE bathtime, and you sit in the big part of your bath tub now. You just splash the whole time.
- You always roll over on your belly when I am trying to change your diaper. I am becoming an expert on putting the diaper on backwards.
- You have had your first major illnesses this month, and you have been on 3 different medications. You have had a sinus infection, cough, and thrush. Makes mama sad.
- You hate taking your medicine, and when I try to give it to you I say "bite", and instead of opening your mouth you shake your head no. I have been giving two of them to you in your bottle.
- You play "Where's Caleb" now. You will pull a blanket over your head until I say "Where's Caleb", and then you will pull it down for me to say "There he is"! It is so cute.
- You reach for mama and dada now when you are playing on the floor and you want me, or when someone else is holding you and you want me. I love it.
- You throw tantrums, if we take something out of your hand that you want. There is no way of calming you down. It is hilarious/scary at the same time.
- You know what "No No" means. You stop and look at me and then pucker your lip when I tell you no.
I love you more than life my little bunny. You have filled my life with so much joy and happiness.

1 comment:
I love that last picture of him looking at his monkey:) I also really like his overalls, my mom and I have an etsy store and are always trying to come up with more cute boy clothes ideas!
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