Thursday, April 30, 2009
Happy Birthday
I am really enjoying working at Greyhound Tavern so far. Right now I am in the training days which can be annoying, but I am actually excited to get back into serving. Working at a preschool this past 8 months has taught me a lot, and I really enjoyed getting the chance to learn more about infants. However, I love the fast paced atmosphere of serving and meeting all different types of individuals.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I Found a JOB!!!

I would also like to include a list of things I have learned about myself/pregnancy up to week 25
1. Never ever ever come between a pregnant lady and her food. I have had some hysterical crying fits over waiting for food, and I just have to look back at them and laugh.
2. I do not cry as much as I used to. In the past I would cry when I was angry, sad etc. However, now I just get very mad and aggrevated. The tiny things can set me off. (I hope this changes and that I go back to crying after the baby comes. I do not like being angry and mean).
3. My body is no longer my own. I feel as though I am living just so Caleb can grow and come into the world healthy. Everything is all about him.
4. Baby furniture is very expensive and needs to be sold in more stores.
5. I always have a million questions to ask my doctor, but at every visit I forget. I definetely feel as though I am so dumb sometimes I feel like.
6. I have to take time in the day to lay back and relax. This past weekend I did not take that time, and I truly felt as though my belly was going to burst if I tried to stand up straight.
7. You get out of doing a lot of things because "you're pregnant". This I secretly enjoy. We are moving at the end of June, and I know this will come in handy at that time.
8. My husband is amazing. He is so willing to put up with my hormones, my cravings, and my constant talk about the baby. I love him so much, and I am so blessed.
9. Feeling the baby move is the most amazing feeling in the entire world. Also, watching Nick's face when he feels the baby makes me smile. Those are my favorite moments of the day.
10. I think about Caleb at least every 5 minutes within a day. He consumes all of my thoughts, and I can not wait to hold him.
11. I enjoy writing to Caleb in the journal I am making for him. I have told him so much about my past, how I am feeling in the pregnancy, what is going on in life etc. This is all in hopes that he will understand who I am and where I am coming from.
12. August could not come soon enough. 9 months is a long time to wait to meet someone you are madly in love with. However, I want to make it to August so that he will be healthy and strong.

Monday, April 27, 2009
25 Weeks

Sunday's Happenings
Foddrill Wedding

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Pray for Britney and Kennedy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Going to the Chapel and Beth's Gonna Get Married

This Saturday my friends Beth and Neil are tying the knot. It is so crazy that their wedding is already here, and I am so excited for them. I am traveling to Lexington either tomorrow night or Friday morning to help Beth with last minute details. I remember how stressful the week of my wedding was, and I wish I could have gone down sooner to help her. My belly is not as big as I thought it was going to be for the wedding, and even though I am pale, I am excited to wear the bridesmaids dress. I really like the dresses and how they are made. in honor of the bride and groom to be I have included some pictures. The one in the middle of of Beth and I breaking it down at my wedding, and the other two are just silly pictures that were taken back in the day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Worried at 24 Weeks

Sunday we decided to visit my brother and nieces, ages 7,5,and almost 1. Afterward we started back to my house in Pikeville, and while we were stopped at a red light a car hit us from behind. It was just a little fender bender, and it only scrated the paint on my grandmothers bumper. Unfortunately, it was enough to freak a 6 month pregnant lady out. Right after the wreck I felt Caleb move so I tried not to freak out. However, over the last two days I have felt him move less and less, and I began to have some stomach cramps. Anyways to make a long story short, I started freaking out thinking I was going to have a miscarriage, or that my little boy had already passed away. I called the doctor today and Nick and I rushed in to make sure everything was normal. The doctor assured us that at 24 weeks a baby can change sleeping patterns, and that we should not be concerned about movement as of yet. They checked for the heartbeat and let me listen to his little heart beat away for a few minutes. I am sure they get tired of freaked out first time parents, but it is definetely a scary experience to be pregnant and know that you have to keep a little baby inside of you alive. They assured us that everything was fine and we went on our way. While at the doctor I discovered that I have gained 6 lbs in 2 weeks. When I first began the pregnancy I weighed 104, and at around 14 weeks I had dropped to 101. I gained those th

Monday, April 13, 2009
First Big Purchase
Nick and I had a wonderful Easter, and I hope you did as well. The only picture I have of us he has his collar to his shirt popped and he will not let me add it. He was joking around, and sadly it was the only picture we took. We went to church yesturday morning, and the service was very nice. We then came back to Nick's parents for their family Easter. Nick has a huge family and their family gatherings consist of 50 people or so. It's so different than my small family. However, it was fun and the food was wonderful!!
We are now at 23 weeks, and I have not yet read anything about this week to know what little Caleb is doing. However, last night it was so weird because I looked down and the left side of my stomach was much bigger than the right. I immediately started rubbing the left side, and whenever I would touch my stomach he would move. It was so neat, and I felt as though he could feel me. It was so cool.
I have also decided to start a journal for Caleb that I will one day give to him. I basically do not know what all I will include in the journal, but I just want to let him know how much I love him. So far I have written to him about the pregnancy, my family background etc. I just want it to be filled with my life experiences, love and advice. One day I hope that my words will help him through struggles, help him to understand where I come from, and help him truly understand how much I love him.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
22 Weeks
Last night I had my first pregnancy horror dream. I used to have dreams about the wedding all last year, and I would wake up sweating because I thought they were true. Last night I dreamed that little Caleb was born, and he was beautiful. However, Nick and I kept forgetting about him. We would go hours without feeding him or holding him, and my breast milk dried up because I forgot to begin nursing him. It was horrible. I felt as though he was going to die adn it would be my fault, but we could not remember to take care of him. Talk about a nightmare!!
Luckily Caleb is still growing in my belly, and although my cravings are not always the healthiest choices he is getting fed and growing!! My belly has really shot out this week, and it makes me smile. I also finally gained 2 lbs, and I was relieved when I realized this at the doctor this week. Thus far I had been loosing weight, and I wanted to gain some to feel healthy. Caleb is about the size of a package of oreos this week, and can now taste different foods in the amniotic fluid. I really need to start throwing some healthy tastes in there. Did any one else have trouble staying on track and eating healthy during pregnancy?
Each week seems to be going by faster and faster, and I hope that continues throughout the pregnancy. April will be eventful with Easter this weekend, Hillbilly Days next weekend (WOO), and Beth and Neil's wedding the last weekend. Now, I just need to make plans for May. I have realized it helps pass the time if I have something to look forward to every weekend.
Monday, April 6, 2009
A Strong Possibility

The Search for a Pediatrician
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Baby Clothing is Starting to Pile Up

This blue cutie to the left is going to be his coming home outfit. I saw it yesturday and I could not turn it down. It is perfect for an August homecoming. AHH I Can't Wait!!