Unlike Caleb miss Mckinlee was not to enthused about participating in this ultrasound. With Caleb he showed us literally ever part of his body and face and even his butt wrinkles. Bundle girl however, hid her face almost the entire visit. She kept giving us small glimpses and then she would smash it into my stomach. I had to get up and dance around a few times. However, at the end she gave us quite a show and let us see that cute little face in the making. She did not however, allow us to confirm that she was still a girl. She was very lady like and kept her legs crossed every time we would try to see. So, we will just hope the 18 week ultrasound was right. She did however, show us that she has hair!! Looking forward to the bows in the future!
Just so you can get a glimpse of how much they look alike I am going to show you some comparisons. First up in each comparison is lil Miss Mckinlee and then there is Mr. Caleb second.

Comparison #3
Comparison #4
Pretty crazy huh?? Yea we are definitely in trouble when this little girl grows up!

Wow! That is crazy how much they look alike! Not to much longer!!!!
wow. they look like twins! I cant believe you are due so soon. Its crazy!
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