I really took the time to reflect this past week on my blessings and what I am so grateful for. I have been participating in a Bible study, and I have also been attending a series at church on Thankfulness and it has truly gotten me to take a step back. I have SO MUCH to be thankful for. I have so much to praise God for. However, so many times I complain, feel as though I want more, am not grateful, become agitated, complain some more. I find bad in the goodness that God has blessed me with. That is so horrible. I have so much to be thankful for!! I am trying to start each day remembering to COUNT MY BLESSINGS name them one by one. COUNT MY BLESSINGS to see what God has done!!
I am so thankful first and foremost for my beautiful, HEALTHY babies. I was watching a St Jude commercial on Thanksgiving day and it brought me to tears. I can not imagine the pain, the fear, and the sadness that parents of sick children must feel. I pray daily that I will never have to experience such a heartache. I am so thankful that as of today my babies are healthy, happy, and here on Earth for me to love on them. What a wonderful loan from God they are. I am reminding myself daily, even in the midst of tantrums and sleepless nights to thank God for the privilege to be their mother, and for the love I have for them.
I am thankful for my marriage. My husband is nothing other than the rock that I lean on. He is the person who holds me up when I feel like falling, and the person I turn to when I need advice. He is a greater man than I should ever be blessed to call mine, and I do not show him near enough appreciation. I am so thankful to God for bringing him into my life, and for the love that we have for each other.
I am so thankful for my family and my in laws. God has blessed me with a loving, healthy support system, and I am so grateful for that.
I have so many more things to be thankful for, and the list could go on and on. My blessings far outweigh the negatives, and for that I am truly grateful and humbled!
Photography via amberbridgesstudio.com