- It has been to long since I blogged. I have kind of been in a blogging slump.
- The last two days of pregnancy have kicked my booty. Just when I thought the sickness was behind me it came back full force. Feeling better today...fingers crossed that it stays that way.
- Caleb is walking everywhere, and it is just too cute to watch him wobble around. PS when did my BABY grow up?
- Soo...I am convincing myself that bundle is a boy. I don't know if it is because I want a girl so bad, or if it is mother's intuition (spelling?). Anyway, I had a dream last night where I could see he/she moving in my belly, and then he/she was in my arms and peeing on me. Bundle looked like Caleb only with blond hair at birth, and he/she kept peeing on me. So much so that in my dream I was like "you must be a boy because you are peeing so much". However, everytime I tried to look between its legs I couldn't tell what it was. I am getting anxious to find out.
- We almost have a boy name picked out but I have to tell you this story. My #1 pick for a boy name (hubby didn't like it) was COLSON. Love it! Anway, I was looking up baby name meanings the other day, and guess what Colson means? SON OF NICHOLAS. Kind of perfect right? I mean that is my hubby's name after all. I think it is a sign :).
- I feel like this whole week will be filled with work.
- My baby bump disappeared.
- I am trying to get Caleb into a new pediatricians practice, because have I mentioned how much I dislike our current practice? No?? Well I do! Anway, the new practice says they are only accepting new babies or people who just moved in the area. After letting them in on our situation, and stating that they come "highly recommended" they are suppose to call me back after lunch. Pray that we get into their practice.
- I really need to start doing week by week pregnancy posts so this bundle does not feel left out. I keep forgetting that I am pregnant.
Pictures that have nothing to do with the post.
C with my oldest niece. He loved her.
With baby Collin. He is going to be such a good big brother.
We went to a cookout. Caleb would not eat the food, but he didn't go hungry.
Checking the ingredients.
Trying some (he opens them himself)
Loving life
All done
Smile :)