This weekend was the first weekend we have had in a while that was super low key. Generally I am go go go on the weekends, because during the week I stay pretty much trapped in our house with 3 kids. However, this weekend there was really nothing on the agenda other than hair cuts, so we took the weekend to just enjoy family time.
Saturday we did attempt a game night at our friends house, but it did not play out the way we had imagined. We took the pack n play for Mckinlee, but little miss wanted nothing to do with it. She is such a picky little thing. She wants her bed and her bed only. Since she would not sleep we ended up calling it a night pretty early.
Sunday morning we attempted church. We had not been in a few weeks. We tried to put both children in the nursery, and within 5 minutes Mckinlee's number was up on the screen. I brought her into service, but she was talking up a storm, so Nick stepped out with her. As soon as they left the sanctuary Caleb's number popped up. I immidiately gathered our things, picked him up, and then we just came on home. The nursery worker did proceed to tell us that despite them not staying they were the "prettiest kids she had seen in a while, and that we made pretty babies" :).
After our chuch fail we came home, played, and I ventured to the grocery store. The rest of the night was spent snuggling, giving the kids a bath, and playing. It really was a great low key weekend.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
To the Soon to be Moms of 2 Under 2
I have been there. I understand your emotions. I can relate with your mixed feelings ranging from fear, excitement, confusion, grief, happiness, and guilt that you all hit you like a ton of bricks them moment you realized you were expecting.
I understand that many people will give you a hard time. You will hear responses like "don't you know what causes this", "have you never heard of birth control", "good luck with this one" etc. I know how bad that can hurt, and how much damage those little phrases can do. I understand that in the comfort of your own home you second guess yourself constantly. "Why weren't we more careful?", "Can I really handle this", "Will I love another baby as much as I do my first child", "Will my first baby be jealous, or feel unloved".
I understand the emotions of the pregnancy. I remember sitting in the floor holding my 10 month old and crying in fear of the unknown. This was not the plan...this was not suppose to happen yet......OMG what am I going to do??
I understand how hard it is to entertain your toddler with your left hand while you are holding your hair and puking with your right hand due to morning sickness. I understand the guilt you will feel as a mom because you are too sick to play with your baby. I get it.
I also understand the happiness that will come over your body the first time you hear that little heartbeat....the first ultrasound you have that shows you your sweet new bundle. That is when the love of mother starts to outweigh all the fears, and judgemental comments and love begins to grow in your heart.
After that first experience of seeing your baby, you feel a little more excited. Once you find out the sex, name the baby and start nesting it becomes more and more real, and you begin to think "Hey I can do this". You may forget to read your what to expect book, or even how many weeks you are, but you are making it through.
I understand the intense emotions you will feel those last few weeks of pregnancy. The guilt. The mommy emotions of literally wanting to hold your baby and never let go. The sadness of the lasts with just your first born. I get it. I remember spending many a night holding Caleb and crying due to all the emotions and love I had within. I understand that torn want so bad to see your new baby, to no longer be pregnant, but wanting to hold out for just one more day.
I understand the feelings of fear you will have when you go into labor. "What if something happens to me and I am no longer here for my first born". "Am I really ready for this" "What if...what if...what if.". I get it.
I understand the feeling of joy that will once again come over you when your new bundle arrives. The immediate love that you will once again feel. How your heart will feel complete, and you will question how you ever feared this day.
I understand how excited you will feel when your first born comes to meet your baby for the first time. You will be so filled with love that you feel as though your heart could literally explode. I get it. It is amazing. Take that first in. Hold you first born extra tight, and tell them what a good sibling they are. Snuggle that baby every free moment you have in the hospital because that will be one of the only times you will be alone with just him/her.
I understand the fear that creeps back in when you first arrive home and you and your husband realize that "Wow we really have 2 kids". I get how hard it is to tell your first born to hang on while you are feeding to baby, when all they want you to do is hold them too. I get it. I understand the tears you will shed over this. I understand that your first born is still a baby, and that it is so hard to make your baby wait. I understand the sleepless nights, and the days where you literally feel as though you will fall over from exhaustion. I understand the mommy guilt that will once again creep in because you can not play with your first born the way you want to. You will feel guilty because you can not watch every face your newborn has to make. You will feel guilty because you can not be in 2 places at once.
I understand how hard it is to get out of the house. I get that as soon as you get one ready, the other one blows out of their diaper, you change them, get yourself ready, grab the keys, and then the baby starts screaming to eat. I get it. You will be late to everything in the beginning and it is OK.
I also understand how with time each day gets easier. You really start to get into the groove of your new life. You are able to start playing with your toddler, your baby starts sleeping through the night, and life starts to feel "normal" again.
I understand the the bond that your children will have. They literally know nothing other than having each other and it is amazing. I understand the love that you will feel because of this. I get that you will start to understand that what once appeared to be "so not your plan" is now the "only life you would ever dream to have".
To the moms or soon to be moms of 2 under 2...
I understand that many people will give you a hard time. You will hear responses like "don't you know what causes this", "have you never heard of birth control", "good luck with this one" etc. I know how bad that can hurt, and how much damage those little phrases can do. I understand that in the comfort of your own home you second guess yourself constantly. "Why weren't we more careful?", "Can I really handle this", "Will I love another baby as much as I do my first child", "Will my first baby be jealous, or feel unloved".
I understand the emotions of the pregnancy. I remember sitting in the floor holding my 10 month old and crying in fear of the unknown. This was not the plan...this was not suppose to happen yet......OMG what am I going to do??
I understand how hard it is to entertain your toddler with your left hand while you are holding your hair and puking with your right hand due to morning sickness. I understand the guilt you will feel as a mom because you are too sick to play with your baby. I get it.
I also understand the happiness that will come over your body the first time you hear that little heartbeat....the first ultrasound you have that shows you your sweet new bundle. That is when the love of mother starts to outweigh all the fears, and judgemental comments and love begins to grow in your heart.
After that first experience of seeing your baby, you feel a little more excited. Once you find out the sex, name the baby and start nesting it becomes more and more real, and you begin to think "Hey I can do this". You may forget to read your what to expect book, or even how many weeks you are, but you are making it through.
I understand the intense emotions you will feel those last few weeks of pregnancy. The guilt. The mommy emotions of literally wanting to hold your baby and never let go. The sadness of the lasts with just your first born. I get it. I remember spending many a night holding Caleb and crying due to all the emotions and love I had within. I understand that torn want so bad to see your new baby, to no longer be pregnant, but wanting to hold out for just one more day.
I understand the feelings of fear you will have when you go into labor. "What if something happens to me and I am no longer here for my first born". "Am I really ready for this" "What if...what if...what if.". I get it.
I understand the feeling of joy that will once again come over you when your new bundle arrives. The immediate love that you will once again feel. How your heart will feel complete, and you will question how you ever feared this day.
I understand how excited you will feel when your first born comes to meet your baby for the first time. You will be so filled with love that you feel as though your heart could literally explode. I get it. It is amazing. Take that first in. Hold you first born extra tight, and tell them what a good sibling they are. Snuggle that baby every free moment you have in the hospital because that will be one of the only times you will be alone with just him/her.
I understand the fear that creeps back in when you first arrive home and you and your husband realize that "Wow we really have 2 kids". I get how hard it is to tell your first born to hang on while you are feeding to baby, when all they want you to do is hold them too. I get it. I understand the tears you will shed over this. I understand that your first born is still a baby, and that it is so hard to make your baby wait. I understand the sleepless nights, and the days where you literally feel as though you will fall over from exhaustion. I understand the mommy guilt that will once again creep in because you can not play with your first born the way you want to. You will feel guilty because you can not watch every face your newborn has to make. You will feel guilty because you can not be in 2 places at once.
I understand how hard it is to get out of the house. I get that as soon as you get one ready, the other one blows out of their diaper, you change them, get yourself ready, grab the keys, and then the baby starts screaming to eat. I get it. You will be late to everything in the beginning and it is OK.
I also understand how with time each day gets easier. You really start to get into the groove of your new life. You are able to start playing with your toddler, your baby starts sleeping through the night, and life starts to feel "normal" again.
I understand the the bond that your children will have. They literally know nothing other than having each other and it is amazing. I understand the love that you will feel because of this. I get that you will start to understand that what once appeared to be "so not your plan" is now the "only life you would ever dream to have".
To the moms or soon to be moms of 2 under 2...
- it is not a cake walk
- you will have various emotions
- there will be days when you think you will not make it until bedtime
- Your heart will be filled with more love than you could have ever dared to dream.
- Remember "God works all things together for the good for those who love Him and who are called according to his purpose".

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Caleb 2 1/2
My big man is now 2 1/2 years old! Can you say crazy?? It is so hard for me to even begin to process how fast these last 2 1/2 years have flown by. I have such a little character on my hands now. He has his hilarious moments, his dramatic moments, his all boy moments, and his moments that make me want to rip my hair out, but I love him for all of them.
Caleb at 2 1/2 years old
Eating: You are PICKY!! I never would have guessed that my baby who used to eat anything and everything would be so picky. I am sure it is just a toddler thing but goodness. You actually protest eating all together if there is something on your plate that you do not like. Mealtimes can be a battle. I am torn between teaching you not to waste, wanting you to eat what we eat, and worrying that you will starve if I do not give you what you like. You could live off pizza. It has your heart. You also love yogurt, applesauce, chicken nuggets and fish sticks with ketchup, strawberries, cereal, and cereal bars. You are still not a huge meat eater.
Sleeping: You are napping from 1-3 daily and go to bed around 9:30. You love to have us "lay with you" to fall asleep now. I admit I give in a lot because it is one of the only snuggle times I get throughout the day. You wake up way more in the middle of the night now than you ever did when you were a baby. You have to sleep with the light on, and you sleep in a full sized big boy bed now.
Speech: You are talking in full sentences now. I know that I am the only one who can understand some of your words, but you have come so far in terms of communication. I am so proud of you, and boy you say the funniest things.
Teeth: You are cutting your 2 year molars now.
Size: You are wearing 2T-3T. You are in a weird size in pants right now. 2T is too short, but 3T is too long in jeans. Due to this you wear a bunch of comfy pants. I have no idea how much you weigh, but I know you have grown significantly in height. Size 7-9 shoe.
Exciting New Things:
Sweet boy I could go on and on about you. You are such a light and I love you so much.
Caleb at 2 1/2 years old
Eating: You are PICKY!! I never would have guessed that my baby who used to eat anything and everything would be so picky. I am sure it is just a toddler thing but goodness. You actually protest eating all together if there is something on your plate that you do not like. Mealtimes can be a battle. I am torn between teaching you not to waste, wanting you to eat what we eat, and worrying that you will starve if I do not give you what you like. You could live off pizza. It has your heart. You also love yogurt, applesauce, chicken nuggets and fish sticks with ketchup, strawberries, cereal, and cereal bars. You are still not a huge meat eater.
Sleeping: You are napping from 1-3 daily and go to bed around 9:30. You love to have us "lay with you" to fall asleep now. I admit I give in a lot because it is one of the only snuggle times I get throughout the day. You wake up way more in the middle of the night now than you ever did when you were a baby. You have to sleep with the light on, and you sleep in a full sized big boy bed now.
Speech: You are talking in full sentences now. I know that I am the only one who can understand some of your words, but you have come so far in terms of communication. I am so proud of you, and boy you say the funniest things.
Teeth: You are cutting your 2 year molars now.
Size: You are wearing 2T-3T. You are in a weird size in pants right now. 2T is too short, but 3T is too long in jeans. Due to this you wear a bunch of comfy pants. I have no idea how much you weigh, but I know you have grown significantly in height. Size 7-9 shoe.
Exciting New Things:
- I could write a book on the things that come out of your mouth. You keep me laughing, shaking my head in amazement, and praying that you never repeat certain stories in public. You have an imagination is all I can say.
- You are hard core into the whiny stage. I'm not a fan of this at all.
- You are still attached to your bink for sleep time and car rides...I really need to break that habit....really I do...ughh
- You are completely potty trained, but you still wear a diaper for nap and bed time.
- You always tell me your "booty stinks, I take bath" after dinner. :)
- You are obsessed with Blues Clues, and you interact with the screen now. You find the clues and answer Steve and Joe's questions. You do the blues clues dance, and try to draw the clues in your "motebook".
- Your memory is amazing. You have a picture on the fridge that you painted before Christmas. The other day you told me "I paint at Hudson's house with my hands. We eat, Pres, and Hudson". I can't believe you remembered that day so clearly.
- You are a ham with the iphone camera. You always stick your tongue out.
- You like to give cow kisses.
- When you wake up in the morning you come out to the living room and say "My eyes awake!".
- You pray now and thank God for things.....SO CUTE!! You thank him for all your stuffed animals by name and your pillows before mommy or daddy :)
- You love to go bye bye and always say "YAY" when we are leaving.
- You love to have still don't understand that when you spend your money on a toy it is gone.
- You are obsessed with painting and anything arts and crafts.
- You love to play outside.
- You are still the best big brother ever.
- You can be defiant at times, but for the most part you listen really well.
- You love to play downstairs with K.
- You love all things cars and choo choo's.
- You know all your colors, most shapes and tons of letters.
- You love to sort
- You have zero interest in numbers or counting as of now.
- You can write a L and O
Sweet boy I could go on and on about you. You are such a light and I love you so much.

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Smash Cake
I just knew before Mckinlee's party that she would be the baby that would love her smash cake. I searched the Internet far and wide looking for the exact backdrop, high chair decor etc., in order to make this moment of the party perfect. I was in love when I came across an idea to place the baby on a table with fabric canopied behind them. I knew that I must recreate it.
I purchased and embroidery hoop and place a lace curtain panel (my mother in laws) on it. I then had hubby place the embroidery hoop on the dining room chandelier. It turned out perfect. I had the cakes placed on the table for decor before smash time, and then they were cleared off to make room for Mckinlee. Mckinlee loved her cake. She loved sharing it with everyone especially with her big bro.
I purchased and embroidery hoop and place a lace curtain panel (my mother in laws) on it. I then had hubby place the embroidery hoop on the dining room chandelier. It turned out perfect. I had the cakes placed on the table for decor before smash time, and then they were cleared off to make room for Mckinlee. Mckinlee loved her cake. She loved sharing it with everyone especially with her big bro.

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