Caleb at 22 months...
Eating: You are obsessed with Goldfish! I mean obsessed! Strawberries and watermelon are also a favorite this month.
Sleeping: We are at a new home, your big boy bed is placed on its tires (it was not before), and you are doing great. You were a little iffy when we first moved, and you spent a few nights in our bed, but you are doing great now. You take one nap from around 1-3 and you go to bed around 9. You have been waking up at 5 or 6, due to no curtains being hung in your room, but we fixed that and I am hoping you start sleeping in again.
Speech: Your speech has really developed this month. It seems as though you are adding new words daily. You still uhh and point a lot, but you are starting to really communicate now. Your favorite thing to say is "mom da, da mom". It is adorable. You also still sign a lot. You have started saying the words "more", and "help" when you sign them now.
Size: You are wearing a size 5/6 shoe. Size 5 diaper. 18-2T clothing.
Exciting New Things:
- You love to climb up and down the stairs and count "2.....2....A.....2....".
- You know the letters O, A, and B.
- You wake up and say "ma ma da da" when you are walking to your door.
- You can open all doors now
- You love to play with play dough, and to draw.
- You love to drive your hands or your cars and say "Go Go Go".
- You boss Bella by saying "GO!!".
- You sign I love you. You accidentally hit Mckinlee in the head this month, and you automatically signed sorry and I love you, and then you gave her a kiss.
- You are really getting into the terrible twos :(
- You are so silly now. You make us laugh constantly.
- You head bang to all music.
- You sign with Mickey Mouse when he says "say it with me..".
- You love to "eat" from my nipple shields while I am feeding Mckinlee.
- Everything is a hat now.
- You make the funniest shy face. It cracks me up.
- You can draw an O
- You say "bye and then blow a kiss". You generally do this when you are pulling a bag behind you, or when you are riding in your car.
- You are obsessed with Auntie K and Abby still.
- You always hold out your arms for people in pictures to hold you.
- You love to come lay in my bed, and you have to have dadas pillow.
- You are understanding the concept of time out now.
- You love Presley Kate. You get so excited to play with her.
- You are learning to share.
- You love love love to play at parks. You are really impressing me with your climbing skills.
- You are still scared of everything. You do the "hurt/scared" sign about a million times a day.
- You love the water.
I love you so much little man!
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