I am attempting with Caleb awake and Mckinlee in the boppy to continue posting. I have distracted Caleb with Word Girl, a snack and his new etch a sketch I bought him. Lets see how this goes. I don't fully know what all this post is going to include. I do not have a crafty, funny blog post written up in my mind, but at least it will include pictures....which will make the gparents happy.
Last week when it was FLORIDA weather in Ky we ventured to many parks. I took both babes to the park like a champ, we even had a picnic one day. I will say it once again thank God for my moby wrap and ring sling, and thank the Lord bundle likes them...I just refused to let Caleb in my lap to play on the computer and he didn't melt down....it is a miracle.
We also did a lot of cuddling, and getting used to the idea of the "potty". Caleb grabs his diaper now when he poops, and the other night I asked him where his pee pee was and he pointed to the potty. Wow. I don't really know if I am ready for potty training.
We have attended a lot of play groups.
We have also started floor, and tummy time play. Caleb likes to join in.
I have to admit life in pretty ordinary, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
PS I just finished a post with both my children awake. YES!!!