Yesterday after nap the girls mama picked them up early. I was left with only three kiddos so we decided to take a trip to the library. We needed to return some books and movies and Caleb was excited to pick out new ones.
The library in our area has so many fun activities for kiddos. The kids enjoyed playing puppet show, blocks, puzzles, playing on the computer and with all the toys. They also helped me pick books and movies and I swear my bag weighed a million pounds on the way out.
I am thankful for such a fun, free activity. It was just what I needed before I had to travel to my in laws to do laundry until 1 am. I hate laundry. Thankfully our new appliances were delivered today, and once again all the kids are napping!! Today is my Friday and I can't Wait for this weekend (post to come)!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
My First Day with 5 Under 5
Today I began my new life as a caretaker to 5 children (2 being my own). I was a little nervous, but surprisingly I wasn't super worried. I honestly feel that the transition from
one to two children was the hardest transition for me. I really think that once you have 2 kids so close in age another child thrown in the mix does not make that big of a difference. Obviously we have our bad times where one child is not listening, so I am dealing with putting that child in time out, a baby is crying etc etc, but such is life with kids. Of course I have my moments where I have to step. back, take a breath, maybe vent through a text with a friend, but then I'm good again. Tantrums, boo boos, feeling as though you are going to scream are all just momentary issues, and they too shall pass.
Anyway, today has actually been really good so far. The 4 year old girl is cracking me up with her stories, dramatic play, and sassy personality. she has the boys in the palm of her hand already. I entertained the older ones today while baby Shelby was napping by placing ice cubes in the water table. HUGE hit! I highly recommend!! They were entertained for about an hour 1/2 before we had our first melt down and first time out.
Lunch time came an hour earlier than normal today. They were all getting cranky. I decided that lunch in their bathing suits on the deck was the best option. They all listened to my rules, and stayed seated until they had eaten their food, and we sang some fun nursery songs.
I knew that changing them out of their wet clothes and into dry ones was going to be chaotic! I decided to pull down a bin of books and some puzzles and told them we were having "quiet activity" time. They were able to read or work a puzzle while they waited to come to me to get dressed. Even Mckinlee did well with this one. So I basically assembly lined them, and made them potty, come to me to change and then go back to their activity.
Once they were all dressed Shelby and Mckinlee were put in their beds, and then I put each big kid to bed, and now my house is quiet, and I actually have time to blog!!
Today was good so far!! The only bad thing is my dryer broke and I literally have 5 baskets of laundry that I may have to take to my in laws to do tonight ugh!
one to two children was the hardest transition for me. I really think that once you have 2 kids so close in age another child thrown in the mix does not make that big of a difference. Obviously we have our bad times where one child is not listening, so I am dealing with putting that child in time out, a baby is crying etc etc, but such is life with kids. Of course I have my moments where I have to step. back, take a breath, maybe vent through a text with a friend, but then I'm good again. Tantrums, boo boos, feeling as though you are going to scream are all just momentary issues, and they too shall pass.
Anyway, today has actually been really good so far. The 4 year old girl is cracking me up with her stories, dramatic play, and sassy personality. she has the boys in the palm of her hand already. I entertained the older ones today while baby Shelby was napping by placing ice cubes in the water table. HUGE hit! I highly recommend!! They were entertained for about an hour 1/2 before we had our first melt down and first time out.
Lunch time came an hour earlier than normal today. They were all getting cranky. I decided that lunch in their bathing suits on the deck was the best option. They all listened to my rules, and stayed seated until they had eaten their food, and we sang some fun nursery songs.
I knew that changing them out of their wet clothes and into dry ones was going to be chaotic! I decided to pull down a bin of books and some puzzles and told them we were having "quiet activity" time. They were able to read or work a puzzle while they waited to come to me to get dressed. Even Mckinlee did well with this one. So I basically assembly lined them, and made them potty, come to me to change and then go back to their activity.
Once they were all dressed Shelby and Mckinlee were put in their beds, and then I put each big kid to bed, and now my house is quiet, and I actually have time to blog!!
Today was good so far!! The only bad thing is my dryer broke and I literally have 5 baskets of laundry that I may have to take to my in laws to do tonight ugh!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Memorial Day Weekend
This weekend has been amazing so far!! The weather has been hot hot hot, so we have spent most of our time dipped in water of some way to spend Memorial Day Weekend!
Yesterday the local water park opened for the season, and despite our fear of it being overly crowded we decided to go. It was not crowded at all, and it was the best day with the kiddos. They are so different this year, and it definitely took us both chasing after them to insure that every one remained safe. Caleb is a little fish this year. He is all about laying on your arm and kicking. I must get him in swim lessons this summer! Mckinlee doesnt have much interest in the water, but she enjoys walking EVERYWHERE!! She is all about practicing her new skill. Nick spent most of his time in the pool with Caleb, and I chased Mckinlee around all day (hints why there are only pictures of her),
Last night Nick's sister came over the watch the kids, and Nick and I had a low key date night planned by me. I didn't let him know what we were doing a head of time, so it was all a surprise (makes for best dates). We started off at Target and did this scavenger hunt that I found on Pinterest. I WON!
We then got City BBQ for dinner and had a candle lit picnic at a park. I gave him a fun little gift that I also found via pinterest. Basically you pre plan 12 dates for the year (one for each month), and you place them in an envelope. These are dates where you "stay in", and do fun, free things around the house as a couple. Example for July "play with fireworks togeter". I'm excited for our low key date nights.
We still have 1 1/2 days left of this weekend, and I am ready to continue enjoying it with my little family!
Yesterday the local water park opened for the season, and despite our fear of it being overly crowded we decided to go. It was not crowded at all, and it was the best day with the kiddos. They are so different this year, and it definitely took us both chasing after them to insure that every one remained safe. Caleb is a little fish this year. He is all about laying on your arm and kicking. I must get him in swim lessons this summer! Mckinlee doesnt have much interest in the water, but she enjoys walking EVERYWHERE!! She is all about practicing her new skill. Nick spent most of his time in the pool with Caleb, and I chased Mckinlee around all day (hints why there are only pictures of her),
Last night Nick's sister came over the watch the kids, and Nick and I had a low key date night planned by me. I didn't let him know what we were doing a head of time, so it was all a surprise (makes for best dates). We started off at Target and did this scavenger hunt that I found on Pinterest. I WON!
We then got City BBQ for dinner and had a candle lit picnic at a park. I gave him a fun little gift that I also found via pinterest. Basically you pre plan 12 dates for the year (one for each month), and you place them in an envelope. These are dates where you "stay in", and do fun, free things around the house as a couple. Example for July "play with fireworks togeter". I'm excited for our low key date nights.
We still have 1 1/2 days left of this weekend, and I am ready to continue enjoying it with my little family!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
My life with 4 under 5.......soon to be 5 under 5
I have been on a little blog vacay the past couple of weeks. This was not by choice but basically because of life. As I mentioned in my previous post I have taken on nannying a sweet 10 week old baby girl. In a few weeks I will have her 4 1/2 year old sister as well, which means I will be caring for 5 kids ages 5 and under!! Geez....I mean once you have done 2 under 2 you can do anything right?
I am determined to keep up with our normal life and activities, but I am expecting people every where we go to ask "are these all yours?" haha. I already get that when I take the three out now. Life has been a little hectic this past week to say the least, and this is the first nap time I have had to myself to actually sit down and blog. I am still trying to work the baby's schedule to coincide with the older kids. We will get there soon..I have faith.....fingers crossed.
Anyways, we have stayed trapped in the house and have spent a lot of time playing outside in water. Water is the answer to everything!! I swear by it. The baby has been sleeping in my master bedroom in the mornings, I crack the window which opens into the backyard so I can hear her, I put Mckinlee in the swing, and the boys play with the water hose. That is how we survive around here. Of course a few melt downs ensue over whose turn it is to hold the water hose, the fact that we have to go up to the balcony to eat etc etc.....but we survive.
I have to admit it is interesting adjusting back to the feed every 3 hour schedule, and pulling out the old baby toys again, and doing the 2 under 2 thing again. However, my kids have been great with the baby. Caleb always lays down beside her, and talks to her. He tells her "don't cry, it's ok, your mom mom will be back". He kisses her head, and rubs her belly. Mckinlee loves to come beside her and say "hiiii". She likes to try to feed her a bottle, and play with her toys. It is sweet to see them with a little one.
My life is definitely a little crazy....but We Will Survive!!
I am determined to keep up with our normal life and activities, but I am expecting people every where we go to ask "are these all yours?" haha. I already get that when I take the three out now. Life has been a little hectic this past week to say the least, and this is the first nap time I have had to myself to actually sit down and blog. I am still trying to work the baby's schedule to coincide with the older kids. We will get there soon..I have faith.....fingers crossed.
Anyways, we have stayed trapped in the house and have spent a lot of time playing outside in water. Water is the answer to everything!! I swear by it. The baby has been sleeping in my master bedroom in the mornings, I crack the window which opens into the backyard so I can hear her, I put Mckinlee in the swing, and the boys play with the water hose. That is how we survive around here. Of course a few melt downs ensue over whose turn it is to hold the water hose, the fact that we have to go up to the balcony to eat etc etc.....but we survive.
I have to admit it is interesting adjusting back to the feed every 3 hour schedule, and pulling out the old baby toys again, and doing the 2 under 2 thing again. However, my kids have been great with the baby. Caleb always lays down beside her, and talks to her. He tells her "don't cry, it's ok, your mom mom will be back". He kisses her head, and rubs her belly. Mckinlee loves to come beside her and say "hiiii". She likes to try to feed her a bottle, and play with her toys. It is sweet to see them with a little one.
My life is definitely a little crazy....but We Will Survive!!

Watching Airplanes
We had a fun filled weekend this past weekend. It was so great to finally have a non rainy, family weekend. I started nannying a new baby last week, and stayed trapped in the house during the transition, so once the weekend came I was ready to go go go! That is exactly what we did. Saturday we hit up the local zoo (post to come), and it was a lot of fun. Sunday we headed to church and then we took the kids to the airport lookout.
Nick and I had been wanting to take Caleb to the lookout for a while, but had never gotten around to it. We decided that after church on Sunday was the perfect time, and my grandmother was in town so she joined in on the fun as well. We hit up a local Wendy's for a picnic lunch, and then headed to watch the plane. The lookout is located close to the runway of the airport so you can watch the planes take off and land. It has picnic tables, a parking lot, and a grassy area. The kids both enjoyed sitting outside, eating, and watching the planes. It is definitely an activity that will become a norm in our family.
That night we took the kids to my sisters apartment complex to swim. They both loved it!! Caleb was an absolute fish. That was so unexpected because he is generally timid, but he took right to it. Nick and I took turns holding his belly up while he swam up and down the pool. He was great at holding on to the edge with both hands and moving himself around the pool as well. I definitely think this is the year to invest in some swim lessons!!
Nick and I had been wanting to take Caleb to the lookout for a while, but had never gotten around to it. We decided that after church on Sunday was the perfect time, and my grandmother was in town so she joined in on the fun as well. We hit up a local Wendy's for a picnic lunch, and then headed to watch the plane. The lookout is located close to the runway of the airport so you can watch the planes take off and land. It has picnic tables, a parking lot, and a grassy area. The kids both enjoyed sitting outside, eating, and watching the planes. It is definitely an activity that will become a norm in our family.
That night we took the kids to my sisters apartment complex to swim. They both loved it!! Caleb was an absolute fish. That was so unexpected because he is generally timid, but he took right to it. Nick and I took turns holding his belly up while he swam up and down the pool. He was great at holding on to the edge with both hands and moving himself around the pool as well. I definitely think this is the year to invest in some swim lessons!!

Friday, May 11, 2012
Mckinlee 15 Months
My sweet tinker turned 15 months on the 6th, and of course I am just now getting around to posting about it. This week has been crazy, but I finally had time to sit and type it up. I however, never had the time to get her dressed in nice clothing and take pictures, so the pictures you will get are real life Mckinlee. Dirty clothes, messy hair, and cluttered back grounds.
Mckinlee at 15 Months:
Sleeping: You have dropped your morning nap completely. You have also pushed back your bed time from 7:30/8 to 8:40/9. You sleep until any where from 7:30 am-9:30am. You take a nap from at least 1-3 every day but sometimes it is a little longer. You have also started sleeping with a blanket instead of in a sleep sack.
Eating: You still eat anything and everything!!
Size: You are still my little peanut. At your 15 month appointment you weighed 18.2 lbs (below the charts), and you were 29 3/4 inches 30 %. The doctor estimated that you will end up being around 5'2"/523", just like mama. You can still wear anywhere from 0-3 months-12 months. Your coming home shirt actually still fits you really good :). You are so little. A lady at the library thought you were 9 months old the other day :). Still in a size 2 diaper, and between a size 2 and 3 shoe. We are still having a hard time finding shoes that will stay on your itty bitty foot. Right now the only pair of shoes that you have that will fit is a pair of aqua water shoes. So stylish.....
Teeth: No new teeth this month
Speech: You have added the words eat, cheese, teeth, juice and boob to your vocabulary haha. You say a lot of words, but only a few to actually communicate. You will point to the fridge and ask for cheese, you call your cu juice (because brother does), and the other day you pulled up my shirt and clear as day said "eat boob". I should probably explain that one. We always called my nipple shield my boob, and I would always say "can you hand me my boob so I can nurse her". Anyways, you knew that it was always beside my bed so you leaned over me looking for it when you said "eat boob". (this was after we stopped nursing). You also say bye bye, hi, Bella, Mama and Dada in context.
Exciting New Things:
Mckinlee at 15 Months:
Sleeping: You have dropped your morning nap completely. You have also pushed back your bed time from 7:30/8 to 8:40/9. You sleep until any where from 7:30 am-9:30am. You take a nap from at least 1-3 every day but sometimes it is a little longer. You have also started sleeping with a blanket instead of in a sleep sack.
Eating: You still eat anything and everything!!
Size: You are still my little peanut. At your 15 month appointment you weighed 18.2 lbs (below the charts), and you were 29 3/4 inches 30 %. The doctor estimated that you will end up being around 5'2"/523", just like mama. You can still wear anywhere from 0-3 months-12 months. Your coming home shirt actually still fits you really good :). You are so little. A lady at the library thought you were 9 months old the other day :). Still in a size 2 diaper, and between a size 2 and 3 shoe. We are still having a hard time finding shoes that will stay on your itty bitty foot. Right now the only pair of shoes that you have that will fit is a pair of aqua water shoes. So stylish.....
Teeth: No new teeth this month
Speech: You have added the words eat, cheese, teeth, juice and boob to your vocabulary haha. You say a lot of words, but only a few to actually communicate. You will point to the fridge and ask for cheese, you call your cu juice (because brother does), and the other day you pulled up my shirt and clear as day said "eat boob". I should probably explain that one. We always called my nipple shield my boob, and I would always say "can you hand me my boob so I can nurse her". Anyways, you knew that it was always beside my bed so you leaned over me looking for it when you said "eat boob". (this was after we stopped nursing). You also say bye bye, hi, Bella, Mama and Dada in context.
Exciting New Things:
- You love to go to the pantry and bring me a pack of fruit snacks to feed you. Every time I turn around you have a new pack in your hand.
- You are WALKING full time now. You started last week, and you are getting so good at it.
- If you fall down you immediately stand back up without having to pull up on something. Caleb had to pull up on stuff for about the first month after he started walking.
- You always grab random items and look at me shaking your head yes, as if you were asking "can i touch this"?. If you know you are not suppose to touch something you will grab it anyway and then look at me smiling and shaking your head no.
- Your hair has grown a lot more. Still really curly, and getting lighter and lighter.
- You are so stubborn when it comes to doing something you do not want to do. Right now you are in your bed fighting your nap, and you have been for the past 15 minutes. If I go in you start the process all over......some days you are a little rough to handle baby girl.
- You are still a mamas girl, but have really taken to daddy this month. You always cry if you see him leave in the morning now.
- You love to swing!
- You love to play in Caleb's riding toys, and you are actually good at moving them around.
- You still have no fear!!
- You love to give kisses
- You generally always have a snack in your hand.
- You still sit in the W sit all the time.
- You are so funny, and feisty. Last night you were trying to push a button with your finger but it wouldn't push because your finger is so little. You grabbed your finger with your other hand, held it tight, and growled at it. You then kept pointing to your finger and yelling for me and daddy! hahaha
- You love to play in play places now. Crawling through the tunnels is your favorite!

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