To celebrate this year Caleb requested an all boy party at a bowling ally. Super simple. We invited 5 friends, they bowled, we ate bowling ally food, sang, opened presents and we were done. I didn't even bring decorations. So simple, and non stressful. Caleb was happy as could be. I let him have one friend spend the night for the first time, and he loved that. The next day we played outside with his friend.
The night before his actual birthday Caleb went to the fair with his friend Landon. While he was gone the littles and I bought décor and decorated the kitchen, and our car. I laughed because I do not know how to blow up a balloon. However, Mckinlee has figured it out! She blew up all the balloons for the car and the kitchen! haha. We opened gifts with Caleb after he returned home from the fair, and after baths he snuggled up on me and fell asleep. I had a momma moment of crying as I rubbed his hair, and wondered where the years had gone. The next day we swam, and had dinner at mamas work.
I can not believe you are already six!!! You have the sweetest heart, the wisest soul, and you love deeply. You are going to do great things. This year is a big step for you. You start kindergarten. It will be a year of independence. You will walk halls on your own, make choices, reap consequences, and possibly ride the school bus. This year is the year where you will start to become you, on your own, without mama...... I want you to know that you have got this!! You can shape this year to be the best it can be. Make wise and kind choices, be a friend to those who need one, be a good student. I hate that your little boy days are passing so quickly, but I am excited to see the big boy and man you one day become.
Remember your life verse in moments of trials, fear, and confusion
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go"
I have prayed that verse over you for years. You have got this little man. Here is to being six, and all the new adventures it will bring.

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