His first day we hurried and got ready, took pictures, said a prayer with him and then headed to school. Once we arrived there was a huge mix up with his papers, and I had to deal with the office for about 20 minutes (not fun), but we got it all worked out, and he began his life as a Kindergartener. As we walked down the halls after leaving him, I cried and cried. It was hard. It was once of those 50/50 emotions. I was so excited for him, but it broke me to my core to know that a door was shut to the old chapter of our life. Thankfully our city has AM/PM Kindergarten, so he only goes to school for 3 hours. Nick and the babies and I had breakfast, and then it was time to pick him up!! He had a great first day!
His height compared to me on his first day of Kindergarten. I want to take a picture like this each year and watch him grow. Its crazy to think that one day I will be looking up at him.
Another huge step came on day 2 of school. I actually let him ride the bus! Anyone who knows me knows that I have a huge fear of buses. No seatbelts/influences/NO SEATBELTS! He has begged and begged to ride, and I finally decided to not allow my fear to hold him back. Fear is not from God after all. He rides in the morning and I pick him up after school. He has loved it!! I am waiting for the newness to wear off because right now he is so easy to wake up in the morning. He knows if he oversleeps he will miss the bus!
Just another cute before school picture. It was also the last picture of the beard. Nick shaved it like 10 minutes later.

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