Friday, July 20, 2012

Jesus Calling

I just began a new Bible study, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, and it is amazing!! I am only on day 3, but I have already learned so much! God has spoken so much to me through the authors words, and has revealed areas in my life where I can grow closer to him.

I don't know about you, but a lot of times when I am doing a Bible study I speed through the day of reading, say a quick prayer, and put it down. I leave feeling "good" that I did it, but not really growing in my faith. Since becoming a mom quiet time with God has taken a back burner, and I know that is not okay. God blessed me with my children, and it is my responsibility to teach them about his love. Part of that is through my example.

With all that being said I took a new turn on how to "study" God's word. During nap time I sat down and began writing the things in the study that stood out to me. I then wrote verses, areas of my life etc that went along with what stood out to me in the first place. It was an amazing way of truly getting the most out of my study. I am also working on upping my prayer life.

I encourage all of you to get this amazing Bible Study. It is available at on kindle for 7 dollars!

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