This post is picture overload. The beach we stayed on was covered in sea shells, and Caleb loved scooping them up. Notice one common theme of these pics? A certain accessorie? Yes, the lovely red shovel could NOT leave his hand for a moment! Basically the entire trip he had it in his hand. He would even look for it in his sleep. haha. O Well. I guess it works with the beach theme pics.

He is so so cute. I love his beach pics. It looks like he had a great time :)
I have been to Sanibel Island it is covered in shells as well, I LOVED IT!
Hello! I'm Krista, a new reader/follower. Those pictures are so cute! It looks like it was a great time. I can't wait to take my little guy to the beach.
Aww...i love the pictures of Caleb! He is getting so big!
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