Monday, July 5, 2010

1+1=1 Month away from a YEAR

My sweet baby turned 11 months yesterday!! It is so hard for me to even come close to realizing that he will be ONE YEAR in ONE fast month.  His first year has flown by, and now I find myself planning his first birthday!! It is crazy!! He seems more and more like my little toddler every day!! Time has gone way too fast!!

Caleb at 11 Months:

Sleeping: You are back to your normal sleeping habits.  Not to much protest going on when we lay you in your crib.  Sometimes you will still stand and cry for about 10 minutes or so, but you always calm yourself down and go to sleep.  You generally take 2, 2 hour naps a day.  The times vary depending on what we are doing that day.  You usually go to bed around 9:30 and sleep till 8 am.  You still like your  Scout dog to play lullaby's when you are falling asleep.

Eating: You are still eating three solid meals a day, with bottles and snacks in between.  I am going to try to switch you cold turkey at one year to a sippy and whole milk.  We will see how that goes :).

Size: You are wearing mostly 12,18, and 24 month clothes.  You seem to have grown a lot in length this past month.  I do not know for sure how much you weigh or how long you are.  You are still wearing a size 4 diaper, and a size 3 shoe.

Exciting New Things:
  • You are crawling EVERYWHERE.  You are all over the place, and you pull up and cruise on everything.  If I am going into another room, I say "Come on Caleb", and you crawl behind me.  So cute.
  • My favorite is when you crawl in my lap and give me a kiss.
  • You are still climbing up my legs and sticking your head between my knees. 
  • You are pushing toys and walking behind them.
  • You love drawers, and you try to get into all of them.  One day you slammed your hand in a drawer and did not even cry.
  • You love love love dogs now.  Bella is your favorite.  You pet her, chase her, and give her kisses daily. You always laugh so hard when she kisses you.
  • Every time you see a dog your go "ARRR".  Maybe barking?
  • Your love for Eebee baby has grown more this month.  Everytime I turn it on you pause and go "ahhhh".  You love it.
  • You are heading to the beach again.  3 time in your first year.
  • You love to play fetch/chase.  haha.  We will throw a toy and tell you to go get it.  We will then crawl behind you saying we are going to get it, and you cackle. So cute.
  • You are everywhere in your walker!
Baby boy I love you more than words.  I wish I could keep you my baby forever, but I am so excited to see the little boy you are going to be.  Photobucket

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