Baby Shower, Best Friends, and a bundle in the belly!
The past few weeks have been so great. I have had the chance to catch up with my old college friends, and it has been wonderful. It is so crazy how we can pick right back up where we left off, even if we have not seen each other in a year! My friend Erin came in a few weekends ago to spend time at our home. It was so great to see her. This past weekend Caleb and I traveled to Ohio for one of BFF's baby shower. You can read her blog here. She is probably the prettiest little pregnant mama I have ever seen. My old roommate and close friend traveled in as well, and we shared a hotel for the weekend. It was so great to catch up, share old stories, and hear about new things in each others lives. Caleb also loved meeting them as well :).
We also had our last "official" mama group class this past Tuesday. However, we have all planned to keep it going. It is so great to take a day out of the week to just let the little ones play with each other, and talk to other mamas. We were missing a few in this pic.
Caleb loves to climb up my back and give lovins. I secretely love it too!
The most exciting news yesterday, was that little bundle is healthy!! I went for my first OB appointment yesterday. It was weird being back so soon, but I was full of nerves as well. There is nothing like hearing that first little heartbeat!! It literally took them what felt like TEN MINUTES to find it. She kept rubbing the doppler over my belly back and forth, and hubby and I were holding our breath. Finally I told her to check really low on my left side, because that is where they first found Caleb's heartbeat. Sure enough, after a little moving around on the left side she found the glorious "Lub Dub's". It was a very quick strong beat, hoping that means girl. We shall see. By feeling my stomach she estimated that I am around 10 weeks, however, where I always measured small with Caleb she wanted to schedule an ultrasound just to make sure. The only stinky thing is that I can not get in for an ultrasound until August 17th! Ughhh. Oh well, the funny thing is, if I am further along than they think, by that point we may be able to determine the sex haha. The only bad news was that I definitely have to get the blood sugar thing checked out. They gave me paper work for the general blood work, and then they have to check my sugar levels as well. If those are out of whack they will go ahead and test me gestational. UGHHH. Pray that it is nothing more than my blood pressure getting to low. I would hate to develop gestational this soon!! Also, drinking the nasty orange drink is not too appealing right now.
Saturday is Caleb's FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! I can't believe it, but I will be running around like mad getting everything together. I can't wait to share pictures of his BEACH MONKEY BIRTHDAY!