On other news we stopped in Atlanta to visit my cousin Matt on Sunday, and I was so excited to see him. He is progressing very well, and is now able to eat pureed food (not sure if that is how you spell that). He is loving milkshakes and applesauce right now. He was able to say hi to me, and he is continuing to work on sounds, and also movement of his right side. The hopspital he is at is an amazing place, and they offer sports for thier patients as part of rehabilitation. As soon as Matt no longer has a feeding tube or PIC line he is interested in participating in the water sports. I can't wait for him to get to that point. He is completely mentally aware, and he actually remembers up to Christmas Eve. Thankfully he does not remember his accident. I enjoyed spending time with him, and I can't wait to see him again. I have included a picture, of Matt, Uncle Mark, and Aunt Libby.
Tomorrow I am heading to Lexington to participate in a silent auction for Mr. Wildcat at the restauraunt I used to work at. I worked at Merrick Inn for two years, and I became very close to Mr. Wildcat, or as we all called him Bill. On this day last year, Bill passed away, and it came as a shock to all of us. He was at Merrick everyday and I would always sit and talk to him. I can still hear him saying "Oh my little Sarah, I swear to God you are the sweetest little thing I ever have met". I was heartbroken when I heard the news, and I truly felt as though I lost a close friend. I am excited to work the silent auction in his memory tomorrow. I have included a picture of Bill and I at Merrick's Halloween party in 07.
Final news my friend Blair found out today that she is having a boy. That completely surprised all of us because we all thought she was having a girl. It is the first time I have ever had the ring and string game give a false prediction. Oh well, I am so happy for Blair, and I am excited that Caleb will have a little boy to play with.