We made a summer to do list this year, and one goal we had was to visit new parks. There is so much around our area that we have yet to explore, and I really thought this would be a fun way to enjoy time as a family. One particular Sunday we spent all day at a park downtown. It is right on the river, and it had fountains, a maze, a cool play set, a water playground where you could dam water, some cool balancing toys etc. It was so fun!! So much to do! We all had a blast!
We have found an amazing small group at church! Tons of kids, all the wives are great, and Nick loves to hang out with all the dads! It is truly an answer to prayer! We have been having lots of get togethers with them. This past weekend we went a family farm. The kids swam, played outside, we grilled, and just enjoyed each others company. It was a cold day, but it was a great time!
We visited the zoo with some friends one day, went to a few birthday parties, Paxton was introduced to ice cream cones, and the kids and I had a huge water fight. If you ask me we are doing summer right!
Our big man also attended 3 days of Kindergarten Camp. He loved it and he is so excited about school starting in August.....I on the other hand am holding onto each moment that I get to keep him home with me......#timeslowdown.