Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Soccer Days

We have finally found a sport that Caleb enjoys! He absolutely loves playing soccer, and even though I am not a sports fan, I love that he loves it. He is playing for our local YMCA, and is on the Black Panthers team.  His coach is amazing, he has made a good friend on his team, and he counts down to "soccer days".

He has surprised me with how competetive he is.  He and his friend Ryan compete against each other all throughout practice.  They see who can race the fastest, they go at each other trying to take the ball away, and they have even wrestled haha.  They play a game of sharks and minnows during practice, and Caleb always zones in on taking out Ryan's ball first.  He usually ends up winning this game.

His first game was so cute, and his second game he scored three goals.  This past week I feel as though he was a little off, but he did amazing. I am so happy he is loving is so much.  

He picked his number.

Where did my baby go?


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