September seems to be flying by this year, but we have had a great month. We have been enjoying soccer, visiting with family, doing a bit of school, taking nature walks, and spending time with precious friends before they move away.
This little man is growing up way too fast, and even though he has been a lousy sleeper this month, I am still head over heels in love with him.
We spent some time in my hometown with family last week, and we are trying to get back to the norm of life now that we are home. My house is a disaster, but I am trying to soak in every pretty day we have before the cold hits for good. The kids have enjoyed a ton of park days.
We visited with my life long friend while we were in my hometown. Our boys have grown up together (they are only a month apart). I have been friends with Blair since I was five, and its funny because we too are a month apart in age. The boys had a blast hanging out again. Its sad to see how much they have changed but I am glad that they still enjoy hanging out together.
Paxton had his first real swinging experience. Both the bigs joined in on the occasion, and he was adorable as always.
These sweet friends are leaving us soon. I have no idea how any of us are going to manage. We have literally been doing daily life together since Caleb and Presley were 18 months old. My youngest kids do not know a world without them. Our kids love each other so heart breaks to think of them leaving..... :(
Caleb has continued to be an amazing big brother. He and "Bro" have a special connection already.
Caleb is obsessed with tick tac toe, so I used that as an activity during "school" one day this month. We were working on the letter Ee, and the numbers 1 and 2. We implemented those instead of x and o. It was a huge hit.