We did not travel at all for Christmas this year, and it was amazing. No rushing, no stress, it was awesome.
Christmas Eve the kids and I spent the morning at home with Nick. The kids were thrilled because they were allowed to play with and hold our elf, Leonardo, on his last day with us. I told them that he flew back with Santa on Christmas Eve, so he didn't need his magic. I think it really helped with the goodbye process, because at first they were very sad that he would be heading back to the North Pole. I let the kids open their presents from Grammy, and they enjoyed some time playing with them. We then baked a birthday cake for Jesus, blew up some balloons, and I let the kids decorate the cake. They had fun singing to him and eating his birthday cake. It was then time for our Christmas Eve service at church. Kids attended the candlelit service, and the church provided glow sticks for them so they could feel included. The service was very kid friendly, and my kids really seemed to enjoy it. After church we came home for Nick's family Christmas. All his aunts and uncles come to his parents for Christmas Eve. My kids had a blast playing with their cousins, and exchanging their gifts. It was then time to put out "birthday cake" and milk for Santa.

Christmas morning the kids slept until 9:30. I laid in bed forever waiting for them to come out. Once they did, we opened stockings and then headed upstairs to see what Santa brought. Caleb was all about it...Mckinlee was pretty stand offish. He favorite part of Christmas morning was opening gifts. She didn't care what was in them, she just wanted more presents to open. I joked that I should have just wrapped empty boxes for her. Caleb on the other hand was thrilled with all of his gifts, and his candy. At one point he lined all his candy up in a color coordinated line, and worked his way down the line until it was all gone.
Nick's mom always has a Christmas jammies theme, and this year it was super heroes. We took our obligatory pictures in front of the tree, had an amazing breakfast, and spent the rest of our day in our jammies, playing games and eating. Christmas night the kids had a sleepover in their new tent from Santa.
We celebrated with my dad and his girlfriend this week. My kids loved all their presents from them. Unfortunately my pictures from the gift exchange did not turn out :(.
It was a great last Christmas as a family of four. Next year, this little bundle will be here to join us.