My boy officially graduated Preschool, that stirs up emotions for me! I am so beyond proud of him. I am so excited or the little MAN he is truly becoming, but gosh does it hurt. Time is seriously so fleeting that it is painful. I swear I just brought him home from the hospital yesterday, but some how all those yesterdays are gone, and now a future of NEW tomorrows are a head of us. In a few months he, and I will be entering into a new reality. Gone are the days of toddlerhood......gone are the days of comfort....gone are the days where I feel like I know what I am doing. I have never parented a school age child before, just as he has never been one. It is a new world for both of us, and I am both excited and scared for that.
Caleb is so beyond ready, and he is super excited to be in Kindergarten. I pray I can share in that excitement, and not be overcome with anxiety and sadness. I mean after all, God did not make him to stay under my wing forever. He formed him to become his own person, to step into this world and make a difference. I am so grateful for the opportunity to watch him become that man. I see daily that he is taking the wisdom I have given him, applying it and making good choices. He stands up for the rules when his friends do not, he loves deeply, he is kind, he plays with friends who are lonely, he listens and obeys. I have been told that I am doing a good job because of who he is. I know he will rock Kindergarten!!
Mckinlee also had her last day of preschool for the year. You all think I am overly emotional now....just wait until she graduates next year. One in "real" school is enough, but two will be too much for me to take!