Ahh, warm weather!! It appears that it has finally arrived, and I am hoping that it is for longer than a minute. We spent all day yesterday outside playing and organizing the garage. We had just piled up the kids toys for winter, and I had to do some organization so they could get to them now that it is warm. Paxton loved being outside yesterday. He played in the exasaucer, and crawled around. It was cute to watch him experience it for the first real time. We were all in such a good mood. My plan is to take the kids straight outside after school today. I have to work tonight so I want to soak in as much of this day as I can before then.
Mckinlee has been saying "Mommy I wish baby Jesus did not give me this crazy hair". Last night she brushed and brushed her wet hair trying to make it straight "like Mikelle's". I knew the day was coming where the curls would annoy her, and all though I didn't expect it to be so soon I gave her a little treat. I dried and straightened her hair, and she wore it straight to school. She asked for no bow, and asked me 5 times on the way there if it was crazy again yet. I assured her it wasn't and she walked into school so confidently. You could tell she thought she looked beautiful. Every time someone commented on her hair she would smile and laugh. I love her confidence, and I am glad she felt beautiful.
Not much else to report. Paxton is growing up, and the other two are as great as ever.