Fall so far has been great. The temperatures have been the perfect mix of cool and hot!! Unfortunately, the weather has not cooperated for us on the weekends as of yet, and we have still not made it to a pumpkin patch as a family :(. The forecast is clear for the weekend, so hopefully we will get to visit one on Sunday! Since the rain dampened our plans a couple of weekends back, we headed to Entertrainment Junction for the day. We had been wanting to visit for quite some time, and Groupon had an amazing deal going on which was a plus. We, along with Meemaw loaded up and headed out for a day of fun.
The kids and us adults had a blast looking at all the trains. The amount of details put into the display was truly amazing. We stopped half way through the display to go through a kids haunted house. Each room was decorated in a different theme, and had a bowl of candy so the kids could trick or treat. At the end of the haunted house there was a make shift pumpkin patch. Each child was given a small pumpkin and supplies were available to decorate them with. This was a hit!
We ventured into the fun house, and it was so much fun. There was a mirror maze, and Caleb led us all the way through on his own. He figured out on his own to look for his reflection, and turn in the direction where there was no reflection. I think he got us through faster than I could have. There was a clown house, with lop sided rooms, and fun mirrors, and a tent house. All the houses were so much fun to go through.
Notice how my fake tooth looked in the black light. HAHA
The kids finished off the day playing in their playground. It was a great time.
Yesterday we had our anatomy scan for Paxton. I was so nervous going into it. I truly let my mind run away with me this time, and I worried myself sick that something would be wrong. At the beginning of the ultrasound the tech asked if we wanted to know the sex. We told her we already knew, but to take a look and we would make sure it matched up. As soon as she placed the ultrasound on my stomach we got this shot...
She goes "HOLY!!!, there is no denying that one". So needless to say "It's a BOY".
The rest of the ultrasound I held my breath as she checked each vital organ. Spine was good, 2 legs with 2 bones, 2 feet with 5 toes each....2 arms with 2 bones in each, 2 hands with 5 fingers on each.....Then she moved to the brain, and my heart dropped. I was so nervous he would have anacephaly, or another major issue. Fold that they check as a down syndrome marker was normal. Brain was NORMAL!! PTL. I was starting to breath a little easier. We then moved to the heart, and my nerves hit again. 4 chambers, heartbeat of 142, perfect condition! THANK YOU LORD! Kidneys perfect. My baby is healthy, and growing perfectly. He measured 14 ounces, and by size his due date would be Feb. 21...Mckinlee's original due date. So we are right on track.
Nick, Kinlee and I went to lunch afterwards, and all I could think about was how blessed we are. We are so blessed to have never had an issue arise at our anatomy scan. To have 2 healthy children, and a child that appears to be perfectly healthy on the way. That is a blessing that I can never say thank you to God enough for.
This week we also celebrated this guys birthday. I'm so blessed to call him mine :)
Kinlee and I entertained ourselves while brother was at school, with random activities per usual.
I now understand why God blessed me with boys.......This little man pushed this cart the entire time we were at the grocery. I literally shopped, and he pushed. LOVE HIM!
We celebrate Abby's senior night last night. This little tink was so cute with her hands in her pockets.