This week our baby is the size of a blueberry. The baby has new brain cells forming at the rate of 100 cells per minute, the mouth, tongue, and arm and leg buds are forming this week. The babies kidneys are now in place, and are ready to begin working.
It is so amazing, that this little blessing is growing so much each week. I can not believe that something so tiny already has a beating heart, working kidneys, brain cells, arms etc. I am so in love already. It is so funny because the widget picture of my baby to most would look like an alien, but to me it is so beautiful to look at. I get so excited to see how the widget picture of the baby changes from week to week. I already find myself rubbing my belly and praying for my little one. I can not wait to feel the baby move, hear its heatbeat, have it hear my voice, and finally see it in August. This is definetely going to be the longest nine months of my life as I await our little one's arrival. I thought it was hard last year waiting for the wedding, but this does not even compare.
We have picked an OB-GYN group of doctors, who are affiliated with Saint Elizabeth hospital here in Northern Kentucky. My first appointment is January 13 at 8 am. I am so excited for the ultrasound that it does not even bother me that the appointment is so early. I am anxious to see my baby, speak with the doctor about my concerns of pregnancy, and I pray that the doctor can assure us that our baby is healthy, and growing at the right rate.
Another thing I am completely excited about is the baby bump. I know I still have another month or two before I am showing, but Nick and I are taking weekly pictures of my stomach to see the progression. I am excited about the moments when I will realize there is really a baby in there. I know the ultrasound will prove that, and the baby bump definetely will. This is such an amazing journey.
This week for Christmas we are staying in Northern Kentucky and celebrating with Nick's family. We have been alternating every other holiday between families. The 26th we are leaving for Pikeville and will celebrate with my family. I am so excited to see my little nieces. The youngest is now 8 months, and she is so adorable. In case I do not post or see any of you till then MERRY CHRISTMAS. Nick and I are traveling to West Virginia for New Years to celebrate with one of my best friends from KCU and her husband. I have included a picture of us from KCU. I am soo excited to see my close friends, we really do not get to see each other enough. Please continue to keep Nick, the baby and I in your prayers, and I pray for all of you as you travel for Christmas.