Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Red is for Apple

I spent the entire nap time on Friday preparing lesson plans for this weeks learning adventure. I found an amazing website, and I was just eating up all the ideas to help me teach Caleb. I love the Christian based activities as well. Yesterday I tried putting a few in effect. 

This week we are learning the color Red, Numbers 1 and 2, Circle, and A, B. Our theme of the week is Apples. 
(I have researched a little and the idea of teaching a child Caleb's age colors can be both realistic an unrealistic. From most of the studies I have read, children grasp onto different colors closer to the age of three. Most his age will pick one or two colors to identify everything as). 
With this information I have decided to work on one color over a month instead of switching it up on him. 

This activity was given to Caleb while I was nursing Mckinlee. I planned to include red play dough but I did not have any.  However, this activity was great for talking about circles, and working on fine motor skills. I found this idea on Pinterest (LOVE), and I was so excited to incorporate it.

What you need: spaghetti noodles, play dough, cheerios.

Objective: Place cheerios on noodles. 

We also worked for the first time on our cutting skills. I printed out an apple that I found on toddlerboredombusters (link on the right side of my blog). The objective was to cut the apple in slices and put it back together. However, Caleb is just now trying to learn how to use scissors, so he just cut his little apple up into teeny pieces. 

We worked a lot of fine motor skills yesterday.  I have so many more activites to share, and I think I am going to dedicate two days a week for teaching posts. I will work on figuring all that out.

In other news this little beauty went for her weight check yesterday morning and she gained a pound! She is a whopping 13.2 lbs. The doctor was happy with that jump since she went from only gain 5 ounces in a month 1/2 to 1 lb in a month. She is still inthe 5%, and she goes back in a month for another check.


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