Friday, April 16, 2010

Not so Patient

Ya'll I am ready to leave for Hillbilly Days! I am soo soo soo ready.  Hubby was suppose to be off work an hour ago, and he is still not done! At this rate we are not going to get into town until around 6 or 7!!!! I hate waiting! I look forward to this weekend every year, and I never get to go home as it is! I am so so so ready to get this show on the road!! I think I may have a break down if we do not leave soon.  I am staring at my phone waiting for him to call and say he is on his way!! Grrrrrrr

In the not so patient hours of this morning I did take a little photo shoot of Caleb in his Hillbilly attire.  Everyone always dresses their babies in overalls, and little girls with piggy tails, and of course a hillbilly hat. Caleb does not have a hat or pigtails, but I think he sports the Billy Days overalls quite well. 

On another note, Caleb is now able to PULL UP on our coffee table.  He does it best if he goes from sitting in our lap, but he is getting oh so strong! He is also blowing razberrys all the time now, and he actually just started that this week. 



Ms. J said...

So cute! Overalls are my fav :) Have a great weekend!

Christa @ Little Us said...

OMG he looks so cute with his overalls! M's legs are chunky monkey too and I could kiss them all day!